
Dr. Paul S. Jones has composed more than 200 sacred works, including 70+ hymn tunes. Many of his compositions and arrangements are available at the Paul Jones Music online store. Others can be procured by contacting him directly.

Choral Anthems
All Who Love and Serve Your City (SATB, solo, a cappella)
Before They Call (SSAATTBB, baritone, cello and organ)
Christmas Bringeth Jesus (Christina Rossetti) (SATB, soloist, cello and piano)
Come and See (J. J. McCarraher) (Christmas anthem, SAB)
Come, Lift Your Voice (SATB, mezzo soprano, organ, brass quintet/percussion)
Cover Me, Lord (A. Dean Wright) (SSATBB)
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind {Repton}, (unison voice or solo, violin and organ)
God Shall Wipe Away Every Tear (SATB, quartet, orchestra, from The City of Our God)
Grace Carol (Christmas anthem - SSATTBB, piano/organ or orchestra)
Hail, the Blest Morn (SATB, a cappella with opt. brass quintet, flageolets/recorders, percussion)
I Was Glad when They Said unto Me (SATB, solo, orch., Ps. 122, from The City of Our God)
In This the Love of God (SATB, a cappella, 1 John 4:9-10, from The City of Our God)
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Christmas anthem - SATB, piano)
Lift Your Voice This Happy Morning (J. Payne) (Christmas anthem for SATB, piano and flute)
Lord, We Bow Before Your Glory (E. J. Alexander) (SA(T)B), piano
My Heart is Steadfast (Psalm 57, SATB, mezzo soprano and harp)
New Songs of Celebration Render (E. Routley) (SATB, organ, trumpet and percussion)
O Holy Night (A. Adam) (Christmas anthem, tenor or soprano, SATB, piano, organ, orchestra)
One Day Soon (SATB, a cappella)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (SATB, congregation, brass quintet, organ)
Proverbs 9:10-11: The Fear of the Lord (SATB, a cappella)
Psalm 67: Psalm of Benediction (SATB, organ, trumpet and percussion)
Psalm 117 (SATB, organ, piano, brass quintet and percussion)
Silent Night (Christmas anthem, SATB, organ, orchestra)
Stars of Heaven (Derek W. H. Thomas) (Christmas anthem - SATB, piano)
Sweet Little Jesus Boy (Christmas anthem - SSATBB, soprano solo, a cappella)
The Light of the Gospel (2 Cor. 4:1, 5-6) (SATB, organ and trumpet)
To Know Christ (SATB, soprano, organ, brass quintet/percussion)
The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (SATB, congregation, brass quintet/percussion, organ)
The Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10-11, SATB a cappella)
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (Christmas anthem - SATB, piano and/or orchestra)
Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) (SATB, a cappella)
What Are These Lovely Ones? (C. Rossetti) (SATB, baritone and piano)
Wrong Shall Be Right (C. S. Lewis) (Children’s Voices, SA, and piano)

Service Music
Amen in D (SSAATTBB, a cappella)
Amen in E (SSAATTBB, a cappella)
Prayer Response 1
Prayer Response 2
Instrumental parts and descants to many hymns
Vocal descants to many hymns

Come to the Waters book
Solo Songs
A Willing Servant (S. Jones), vocal duet and piano
Agnus Dei/Our Father, voice, flute and piano
Be Thou My Vision, voice and piano
Blessèd Homeland (F. Crosby), voice and piano
Calvary/Were You There, voice, alto sax and piano
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, voice and piano
Come to the Waters (J. M. Boice), voice and piano l
How Firm a Foundation, voice and piano
Children of the Heavenly Father, voice and piano
Children’s Prayer (Humperdinck), for soprano, mezzo soprano, organ and strings
Cycle of British Sea Songs (baritone and piano)
1.Sea-Fever (J. Masefield)
2.The Breaking of the Wave (V. Watkins - awaiting permission)
3.Requiem (R. L. Stevenson)
4.The Voice of the Sea (A. E. Russell)
5.A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea (A. Cunningham)
Grace and Peace, voice, flute and piano
I Am His and He Is Mine (G. Robinson/J. Mountain), voice and piano
I Could Not Do Without Thee (F. Havergal), voice and piano
I Know Whom I Have Believed, voice and piano
Jesus Is All the World to Me, voice and piano
Joseph See the Holy Child (P. G. Ryken), voice and piano
Lord, We Bow Before Thy Glory, voice and piano
My Life Must Be Christ’s Broken Bread, voice and piano
My Rest Is in Heaven (Early American), voice and piano
Of the Father’s Love Begotten, voice and piano
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (G. Mattheson), voice and piano
Out of the Deep I Call, voice and piano
Prayer (C. Rossetti), voice and piano
Rise, My Soul, voice and piano
Something for Thee, voice and piano
Take My Life and Let It Be, voice and piano
Thanks to God for My Redeemer, voice and piano
This Is My Father’s World, voice and piano
Three Rossetti Prayers, voice and piano (C. Rossetti) Live performance here
1.Give Me the Lowest Place
2.Jesus Alone
3.Tune Me, O Lord
To Be with Christ (Early American), voice and piano
We Know Not When (C. Rossetti), voice and piano
What Are These Lovely Ones? (C. Rossetti), voice and piano

String Orchestra
Come to the Waters {Water of Life} (with harp)
Like a River Glorious {Wye Valley}
Who Is on the Lord’s Side{Rachie} (with trumpet, timpani & percussion)
Take My Life and Let It Be {Hendon}
To Be With Christ {Cape May} (with baritone)
Nearer, My God, to Thee/He Leadeth Me (with oboe)

Brass Quintet/Percussion
Eine Festschrift Fanfare
Fanfare on Lyra Davidica (for double quintet, percussion, organ and congregation)
Fanfare & Doxology (for double quintet, percussion, organ and congregation)
Lancashire (for double quintet, percussion, organ and congrégation)
Quelle est cette odeur agréable
Take My Life and Let It Be {Hendon}
Three Welsh Hymns for Brass
1. Cwm Rhondda
2. Aberystwyth
3. Rachie
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Postlude on “Christ Church, Bloomfield” (with organ)

Processional Variations
Prelude Variations on “Lauda anima”

Instrumental Works
Angels We Have Heard on High, for solo Harp
Ar Hyd Y Nos/Steal Away, for horn, cello and piano
Beech Spring, for cello and piano
Clarimba Spirituals, for clarinet and marimba
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind {Repton}, for violin and piano
Duo on Hyfrydol (violin and cello; clarinet/viola, originally flute and viola)
Four Sketches for Tuba, tuba and piano
Hyfrydol, for solo instrument and piano
Jerusalem, the Golden {Ewing}, for unaccompanied solo violin
Like a River Glorious {Wye Valley}, for flute and piano
O Praise Him! Alleluia! - 12 Hymn Arrangements for Solo Instrument & Piano
1. Slane
2. Lasst uns erfreuen
3. Nyland
4. Ville du Havre
5. Gwahoddiad
6. Dix/Terra Beata
7. Tryggare kan ingen vara
8. Elizabeth
9. Bradbury
10. Go Tell It
11. W Zlobie Lezy/Mendelssohn
12. Greensleeves/Stille Nacht
Prelude on “Refuge”, for violin and piano / for cello and piano
Quelle est cette odeur agréable, for string trio (violin, viola, cello)
Rhapsody on ‘Nicaea’, for tuba and organ
Romance, for two violins and piano
Seven Short Songs for Piano (children’s music)
Silent Night (for two clarinets, tenor saxophone and piano)
The Lord Is My Shepherd, for violin and piano
Theme, Variations & Fugue on TRENTHAM, for piano trio
Two Hymn-Tunes of the British Isles (Kingsfold/St. Columba), for three cellos
Trio on Nun Danket Alle Gott/Suo Gan, for string trio (violin, viola, cello)
What Child Is This/Silent Night, for classical guitar and string orchestra
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, for violin and organ
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross {Hamburg}, for soprano, two horns and piano
When Peace Like a River (It Is Well with My Soul), for piano trio / for flute, euphonium and piano / for duo piano / for two horns and piano

Men’s Chorus/Women’s Chorus
Advent Carol (TTBB, strings)
Alive in Christ (TTBB, organ)
Blodwen (TTBB, organ)
Bow the Knee (SSA, organ)
Come, Thou Fount of Ev’ry Blessing (TTBB, organ)
Cycle of British Sea Songs (TTBB & Baritone Solo)
1. Sea-Fever (J. Masefield)
2. The Breaking of the Wave (V. Watkins - awaiting permission)
3. Requiem (R. L. Stevenson)
4. The Voice of the Sea (A. E. Russell)
5. A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea (A. Cunningham)
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (SSA, organ and C instrument)
Es ist ein Ros’/Cranham (TTBB, strings, flutes, harp)
Grace Carol (Christmas anthem, SSA, organ)
High Word of God Eternal Light (w. Jeremy Strong) (TTBB, strings, organ)
Hymn-Anthem on “Spruce Street” (TTBB, organ)
I Hear Thy Welcome Voice (TTBB, organ)
I Need Thee Every Hour (TTBB, organ)
Lord Jesus Christ, How Far You Came (TTBB, organ)
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word (TTBB, organ)
Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name (TTBB, solo, organ)
Lord, You Give the Great Commission (TTBB, organ)
Man of Sorrows (TTBB, organ)
Mawlgan (TTBB, organ)
May the Mind of Christ My Saviour (SSA, organ)
More Love to Thee, O Christ (SSA, organ)
My Gracious Lord, Your Love Is Vast (TTBB, solo, organ)
My Rest Is in Heaven (SA, organ)
O Fy Iesu (TTBB, organ)
O Land of Rest (TTBB, piano)
Pennant (TTBB, organ)
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him (TTBB, organ)
See in Yonder Manger Low (TTBB, solo, strings)
Thanks to God for My Redeemer (TTBB, solo, organ)
Psalm 43 (TTBB, solo, organ)
With Thankful Hearts (TTBB, organ)
Eternal God, We Come to You (SSA, solo, organ)
Grace Carol (SSA, piano)
More Love to Thee, O Christ (SSA, piano)
O How the Grace of God Amazes Me (SSA, solo, organ)
Psalm 1 (SSA, organ)

More than 70 original hymn tunes on texts of Eric J. Alexander, Chris Anderson, James Montgomery Boice, Douglas Bond, Jonathan Cruse, William Hughes, Carol McRae, Jon Payne, George Robertson, Philip Graham Ryken, Elisabeth Shafter, Derek Thomas, Naomi Wagner, Timothy Witmer, and Richard Wolling.

James Montgomery Boice - Hymns for a Modern Reformation
Soli Deo
Spruce Street
Sola Fide
Ipsi Gloria
Water of Life
Sola Gratia
Sola Scriptura
Solus Christus
In Bethlehem
Song of Joy

Eric J. Alexander - Hymns of Prayer
Divine Mercy
Rex Gloriae
Dei Dilectio
Sovereign Lord
St. Andrews
What Love
Christ Church, Bloomfield
Pentecost Prayer
Bow the Knee

Jonathan Landry Cruse
Walnut Street (harm.)
Rock Hall (harm.)
Jeffersonville (harm.)
Beach Spring (harm.)
Ta’amu ure’u
Mein Gott und König

Philip G. Ryken
Grace Carol
Post Tenebras Lux

Douglas Bond
Cor Meum Tibi Offero

Derek W. H. Thomas
Covenant Love
Descendit de coelis
Pacem ad Habemus

Richard G. Wolling
Beverly Heights
Vision BH
Faithful 25
Grateful Heart
Heights of Glory

George Robertson
Creation Covenant

William Hughes

Chris Anderson

Timothy Z. Witmer
Crossroads 100

Carol Y. McRae
Park Street 200

Jon Payne
Grace Church, Douglasville

Cape May

Naomi Wagner
By Still Waters

Elisabeth Shafer
Tender Love

116th Psalm tune

Service Music
Doxology: Addison
Gloria Patri